His sun went down while it was yet day.*
- Annie Mackin (mother of Barney) and her sister Rose arrived in Sydney on the Surrey in 1875. Annie married Patrick Kieran in 1877 (NSW BDM: ref 350/1877) in Sydney.
- On 17 April 1891 Patrick Kieran was killed in a train accident, leaving behind a widow and six children. NRS 343 Reel 2925. The verdict of the inquest: death was caused by the: ‘Effects of injuries accidentally received through having been run over by a passing train.’
- Sobraon entrance book, 1900 (note spelling of name). His mother stated the boy will not go to school, that he stops out at night and that she has no control over him. After being committed by the Water Police Court on 1 March 1900 Barney was sent to the Sobraon. NRS 3902 [8/1747], page 475
- Sobraon, n.d. Digital ID 4481_a026_000001Sobraon Digital ID 4481_a026_000001
- N.S.S Sobraon – on the deck, n.d. Digital ID 4481_a026_000004
- Naval Officers and cadets on the N.S.S ‘Sobraon’, 11 Aug 1893. Digital ID 4481_a026_000966
- Naval cadets from N.S.S. ‘Sobraon’ receiving swimming instruction, 11 Aug 1893. Digital ID 4481_a026_000977
- N.S.S Sobraon – the school room, nd. Digital ID 4481_a026_000005
- B.B Kieran (possibly) on board the Sobraon – from the NSW Hall of Champions Collection. Photograph by Marcelle Jacobs, Curator, NSW Hall of Champions
- Cockatoo Island Sutherland and Fitzroy Docks. Photograph by Janette Pelosi. Barney Kieran did much of his early training at Cockatoo Island where the Sobraon boys were able to go on land. The Fitzroy Dock (472 feet = 144 metres) was used as a venue for swimming races watched by Barney Kiernan and he used the Sutherland Dock for his swimming training. The Sutherland Dock, completed in March 1890, was 638 feet (194 metres) when built.
- Swimming Certificate (reproduced with permission from the Powerhouse Museum)
- Carpentarian Reformatory for Boys (popularly known as the Brush Farm) where Barney’s brother was sent. Brush Farm School – workshop, c.1910. Digital ID 15051_a047_001960
- Carpentarian Reformatory for Boys (popularly known as the Brush Farm) where Barney’s brother was sent. Brush Farm School – dormitory, c.1910. Digital ID 15051_a047_001959
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney at Centenary Hall. Souvenir Program – digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 2 “The Championships Kieran will compete for”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 3 “B.B Kieran’s Swimming Career”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 4 “B.B Kieran’s Swimming Career (cont.)”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 5 “English Champions Kieran Will Meet”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 6 “English Champions Kieran Will Meet”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 7 “English Champions Kieran Will Meet”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney. Page 8 “Some Australian Performances in England”. Digital copy donated by Hazel Bromby, President Cape Banks Family History Society.
- Kieran Memorial Concert invitation, held on board the ‘Nautical School Ship ‘Sobraon’ on 19 January 1906. NRS 3905, [8/1753.1]. This was one of the events organised to raise money for the Kieran Memorial Fund. The Fund was set up to perpetuate the memory of the champion swimmer. The money raised was used in part to defray the family’s medical and funeral expenses associated and to erect a suitable monument over his grave (L.J Fromholtz, The Sobraon Wonder: a biography of Bernard Bede Kieran (Barney) Kieran, 1991).
- Cover of Booklet for the Kieran Memorial Fund — Nautical Ship Sobraon Amateur Swimming Club Grand Carnival held at Drummoyne Baths on 24 January 1906
- Page 1 Booklet for the Kieran Memorial Fund — Nautical Ship Sobraon Amateur Swimming Club Grand Carnival held at Drummoyne Baths on 24 January 1906
- Page 2 – Booklet for the Kieran Memorial Fund — Nautical Ship Sobraon Amateur Swimming Club Grand Carnival held at Drummoyne Baths on 24 January 1906
- Page 3 Booklet for the Kieran Memorial Fund — Nautical Ship Sobraon Amateur Swimming Club Grand Carnival held at Drummoyne Baths on 24 January 1906
- Letter from Father Piguet of St Patrick’s Church certifying he baptised Barney in St Patricks Church Sydney, the sponsors being Michael Maggin and Louisa Baker. This confirms the correct spelling of KIERAN [he was registered as ‘Keran’ (NSW BDM ref: 3702/1886) and he was admitted to the Sobraon under ‘Keran’.]
- Reproduced with permission from State Library of Tasmania – Joseph Francis aka Joseph Patrick was the professional boxer Joe Costa (SMH 23/6/1933). Born in 1885 (NSW BDM ref: 720/1885) he fought until a month before his death on 22/6/1933 (SMH 23/6/1933).
- Monument at Gore Hill Cemetery. Photograph by Bob Meade. Inscription: Erected by the public as a tribute to the late Champion Swimmer of the World. He won his laurels by courage, self denial, and patient effort. His achievements and manly qualities will long be remembered in this, and other countires in which his victories were gained.
- The Keiran Memorial Shield is awarded annually to the successful state in the Australian swimming championships. Photograph provided by Liz Avery, Records and Events Coordinator, Swimming Australia Ltd
Bernard Bede (known as Barney) Kieran’s swimming career spanned just two years. His achievements were extraordinary and it is not surprising that he was memorialised as the ‘Champion Swimmer of the World’, following his untimely death in December 1905.
Record breaker
Barney Kieran began his swimming career in 1904. As GP Walsh states in the Australian Dictionary of Biography, by April 1905 he had won ‘six State and six Australasian freestyle titles… and set ‘world’ record times for 200, 300, 400, 500 and 1000 yards and mile, the last in the astonishing time of 23 minutes 16.8 seconds’.
Barney’s success was not limited to Australia. In England he succeeded in ‘lowering the record time for 600 yards by 17.6 seconds in an exhibition swim’. In August he won the ‘440 yards salt-water and 880 yards freestyle titles, the latter in the world record time of 11 minutes, 28 seconds. At an international meeting in Sweden he won four events and set a world record for 500 metres. On the 28th at Leeds he won the 500 yards title in the world record time of 6 minutes, 7.2 seconds. In September he won the 220 yards title and his third English record medal, for the 300 yards.’Sobraon – nautical training ship
Industrial school and reformatory
Barney Kieran’s story was all the more remarkable because he was a former Sobraon boy. He was born on 6 October 1886, the youngest of Patrick and Annie (nee Mackin) Kieran’s six children. On 17 April 1891 Patrick Kieran was killed in a train accident, leaving behind a widow and six children.
In March 1900, when he was 13 years old, Barney was admitted to the nautical training ship Sobraon, which served as an industrial school and reformatory. Barney was one of around 5,000 boys admitted to the nautical training ships Vernon and Sobraon between 1867 and 1911.
According to the Entrance book for the Sobraon Barney Kieran was:
found habitually wandering about [the] streets in no ostensible lawful occupation
The evidence from his mother stated that ‘the boy will not go to school, that he stops out at night and that she has no control over him’. After being committed by the Water Police Court on 1 March 1900 Barney was sent to the Sobraon. Given the opportunity, he made a success of his time on the Sobraon and his mentor W Hilton Mitchell[1] encouraged him to take up swimming, which turned his life around.
Following his success in England Barney Kieran retuned to Australia, receiving accolades for both his swimming achievements and for:
the fact that he had conducted himself in the water and out in a manner which had called forth the highest praise from English authorities.[2]
Untimely death
Barney Kieran died in Brisbane on 22 December 1905 following an appendectomy. He was buried in the Roman Catholic section at the Gore Hill Cemetery. The Sydney Morning Herald of 27 December 1905 reported that the ‘remains of the late Bernard Bede Kieran, the Australian champion swimmer, were laid to rest yesterday in the presence of one of the largest attendances ever gathered at the Gore Hill Cemetery’. Donations from the Kieran Memorial Fund were used to erect a monument over his grave.
The monument reads:
Erected by the Public as a Tribute to the Late Champion Swimmer of the World. He won his laurels by courage, self denial, and patient effort. His achievements and manly qualities will long be remembered in this, and other countires in which his victories were gained.
Kieran Memorial Shield
Barney Kieran’s memory is perpetuated by the Kieran Memorial Shield, which is awarded annually to the successful state in the Australian swimming championships.
Special Thanks
A big thank you to Bob Meade for his posting on Bernard Kieran and for allowing us to use his photograph; it is a wonderful addition to the gallery.
The information that Barney’s brother Joseph is buried in the ‘same or a contiguous plot as Barney’ adds a moving postscript to the ‘Barney Kieran story’.
Kieran was born in 1885 (NSW BDM ref: 720/1885). According to his obituary in the Sydney Morning Herald dated 23 June 1933, Barney Kieran’s brother, Joseph Francis Kieran aka Joseph Patrick Kieran, was a professional boxer who fought under the name Joe Costa. Curiously, Joe Costa is listed as Joseph Patrick Kieran in the obituary on 23 June 1933 and as Joseph Francis Kieran in the funeral notice on 23 June 1933. This might explain the confusion about his middle name.
It seems that like Barney, Joseph Kieran may have come to the ‘attention of the authorities’ at a young age. There is an annotation in the Sobraon entrance book (NRS 3902 [8/1747, p.475] relating to Barney’s admission that one of his siblings was at the Carpentarian Reformatory. As Barney only had one brother, and the Carpentarian Reformatory was used for boys, it would have been a reference was to Joseph.
One of the earliest references to Joe Costa, the boxer, was a report in the Sydney Morning Herald from 29 January 1903. It appears he had a long career as he was still boxing until a month before his death on 22 June 1933 when he lost to Billy McAlister (Sydney Morning Herald 2 May 1933).
Patrick John Conlon may have been Barney’s brother (unconfirmed). Annie Keran (sic) nee Macklin married Mathew Conlon in 1904. Patrick John Conlon was born in 1911 (NSW BDM ref: 1911/23723).
Aboard the Sobraon
Thank you to Marcelle Jacobs for the photograph of Barney (possibly)on the Sobraon (NSW Hall of Champions Collection).
* Marcelle also found the above quote “His sun went down while it was yet day.” From her comment about Barney Kieran on the Archives Outside blog:
The Department of Education School Sport Unit has a trophy in honour of Barney Kieran awarded to schools. The inscription reads: “Sir Harry Rawson Cup, to be held for one year by the school attended by the winner of the Kieran Memorial Swimming Race. In memory or B.B. Kieran, Champion Swimmer of the world. Born 1885. Died 1905. Aged 19 years and 2 months. His sun went down while it was yet day.
Swimming pool
Thank you to Janette Pelosi for the photograph of the pool at Cockatoo Island where Barney did much of his training.
Farewell Concert
Thank you to Hazel Brombey, (Past) President Cape Banks Family History Society, for the ‘digital’ donation of the eight page Souvenir Concert Program. Before Barney went to England to compete a Grand Farewell Concert was held in 1905 in Sydney at Centenary Hall.
Memorial Shield
Thank you to also Liz Avery, Records and Events Coordinator, Swimming Australia Ltd, for photographing the Keiran Memorial Shield – awarded annually to the successful state in the Australian swimming championships.
[1] http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A090589b.htm (cited January 2011)
[2] Sydney Morning Herald 24 November 1905
Related information
- Archives in Brief 4: Inquest and coronial records
- Archives in Brief 59: Child Welfare
- ‘Online’ microfilm of shipping lists
- Photos of the Sobraon nautical training ship (some also available on Flickr)
- Trove – newspaper articles on Barney Kieran
- Your photo -> Your name in lights…well, in bold letteringanyways
The records of the Vernon and Sobraon are now available on ancestry.com.au
(on the ‘Search’ menu select ‘Card Catalogue’ then search using either Vernon or Sobraon in the title field.)